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Author: Vignesh Srinivasa

Getting timely help this pandemic

This ain't the first time that our world has been impeded with a pandemic. There have been epidemics happen before and people have never lost hope since there is always light at the end of the tunnel. If you are someone who has been largely

Why is mentoring important?

Mentoring is no new fad and has been on the rounds since ancient times. According to Indian mythology, there used to be a time where the student leaves home to live with his “guru” who would train him to be the best in all walks

How mentors change our lives?

A recent Forbes article mentioned that 76 in 100 people discern mentorship to be important. Unfortunately, only 37 of them can find one. As the name suggests mentoring is no course or university study. It’s a simple mechanism to transfer knowledge gained through years of

Who is a mentor?

I love keeping explanations simple and straight to the point. A mentor is no more than a person just like you who is reading the article. Now, you must be wondering why would you want to get assistance from someone who is no more superior